Our Story

Us and a friend we connected with through local programs

Us and a friend we connected with through local programs

Our older brother Jake had MPS II, also called Hunter’s: a rare genetic disorder that causes permanent, progressive physical and mental damage. As twins, we turned to each other for support. We also connected with other siblings of special needs kids through local programs where we saw and heard their experiences. This helped us understand that although our story was unique, we were not alone.

As passionate readers and writers, we want to help others share their stories and connect with others.

We have collected advice, stories, and more from siblings of disabled children to compile into a book that will help fulfill our mission to support these special siblings, foster connections between them, and create awareness for them. We are still looking for more people to share their stories to be featured in blog posts and other projects in the future!


Meet the Team

  • Natalie Hampton


    Natalie Hampton is a junior at HSPVA in the creative writing department. She wants to use her interest and skill in writing to help siblings of disabled kids tell their stories, as she has used writing to tell her own story of growing up with a disabled brother.

  • Nicole Hampton


    Nicole Hampton is a junior at the Emery/Weiner School. She is interested in math and data science and wants to use those passions in running a non-profit that helps kids in similar situations as her own, as siblings of disabled kids.